Current projects

Psychological support for individuals historically infected with HIV and/or hepatitis C as a result of NHS-supplied blood transfusions and blood products and affected families
Psychological support for individuals historically infected with HIV and/or hepatitis C as a result of NHS-supplied blood transfusions and blood products and affected families

The statutory Infected Blood Inquiry (IBI), launched in July 2018, is investigating the circumstances that led to individuals becoming infected with HIV and/or hepatitis C as a result of treatment with NHS blood/blood products and affected families during the 1970s and 1980s.

The Inquiry has heard significant evidence of many health, emotional, social, educational and financial challenges in the lives of people infected or affected by NHS-supplied infected blood or blood products. These effects include, in many cases, loss and bereavement. It found that there is limited dedicated psychological support in England for infected and affected people.

Little is known about the current psychological needs of survivors and their relatives but there is awareness that this group might require additional support as the Inquiry concludes, with the final report expected in autumn 2023. This study aims to better understand what people think about psychological, counselling and wellbeing services, how they are used, their usefulness, and what they might look like in future.